I am Ms Molly!
Parenting and childhood are wild. That's a given. But are there ways to find more peace, more ease, more delight and more respect within the everyday adventures of family life? Absolutely.
I help parents re-find their center, and connect to their innate confidence in the modern age of anxious parenting.
You might be dealing with:
* overthinking every parenting decision, worried every move will affect your child's entire future
* confusion with your child's developmental needs
* exhaustion from power struggles, disorganization, and * maybe even a kiddo who knows exactly how to push your buttons
Our work together isn't about one simple answer, it's about understanding your family, your goals, and amplifying the connection and joy in your daily lives.
Personal consultations:
I offer one hour meetings on zoom or in person, where we can talk about your current parenting obstacles, and begin a plan towards balance. Email me to schedule an appointment
Parenting lecture series:
I can attend your parenting group in-person or by Zoom and give a specialized talk, a series of lectures, or do an in-depth Q & A. This is especially popular with neighborhood groups, preschool parenting circles, and friends who find themselves venting about parenting problems and looking for some mutual resources and support.
Please sign up for my emails - as I will be offering parenting/child development zoom classes very soon.
Email me to schedule a parenting/child development series