Class 1: Back-to-School


Class 1: Back-to-School


Virtually over Zoom on Friday, August 18, 2023 2:30 pm

What are the true needs of children as they cross new thresholds. And, at this particular time school is the big threshold they are about to cross.  What are the ways we can holistically support our children? What do they need physically, emotionally, and cognitively?  Let’s explore some ideas about how we can help our children feel prepared to do hard things as they begin their school year. Let’s support our children as they embark on their learning journey.

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Ms. Molly is offering a series of three parenting classes in hopes of offering some Back-to-School support to all the families in our community. Each class will be offered on zoom, is one hour in length, and recorded for your convenience. The first half hour will be a presentation by Ms. Molly giving a picture of child development as it pertains to the topic. These classes will focus on Early childhood ages 2-7. After the 30-minute presentation there will be 30 minutes reserved for questions and answers. Everyone is welcome to just attend one class or attend all three – each class is purchased separately.